Charnley Retractor

Acheron Instruments’ Charnley Retractor is a versatile retractor commonly used in orthopedic and spinal surgeries. Their purpose is to increase access to tissues by opening up the surgical site.

  • Stainless Steel construction for easy sterilization, durability, and strength
  • Used for accessing soft tissues by opening up the surgical site
  • Features blunt prongs for prevention from damage
  • ISO Certified and Certified by other quality assurance standards
SKU: 9876f Category:


Uses of Charnley Retractor

  • Enables surgeons to access soft tissues by opening the surgical site
  • Facilitates surgeons during arthroplasty of the hip
  • Allows access and visualization to the hip area
  • Helps in orthopedic and spinal surgeries for accessing tissues
  • Reduce trauma to the tissues by preventing tissues from damage

Features and Benefits



Construction from Stainless Steel

Ensures high quality, durability, and strength

Blunt Prongs

Prevents tissue damage

Ergonomic Design

Provides comfort and relief to the surgeon

Corrosion resistant

Corrosion resistance for long span of instrument

Durable construction

Ensures longevity for long-term use


Orthopedic and spinal surgeries


Reusable after the standard sterilization methods

Weight System

Attaches to the blade for retracting the forceps by gravity


Does not need additional help or assistance